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optical heterodyning中文是什么意思

用"optical heterodyning"造句"optical heterodyning"怎么读"optical heterodyning" in a sentence


  • 光外差酌
  • 光外差作用


  • The theory of the optical heterodyne measurement system is expounded and the principle and merit of ultrasound pulse generated by a laser pulse are analyzed
  • The testing principle of the system is explained and the two components of the system including the optical heterodyne measurement system and the system of ultrasound pulse generated by a laser pulse are introduced
  • The signal - to - noise ratio of the nondestructive testing system employing optical heterodyne and ultrasonic techniques is analyzed and calculated from two aspects including phase matching of optical heterodyne measurement in nondestructive testing and the effects of beam incidence on the intensity of heterodyne signal and signal beam
  • In order to improve the existing pr adaptive optical heterodyne detection system ( praohds ) , a new praohds is proposed based on sppc and mppc coexistence . the experimental study of the system is completed by equal amplitude ar + laser beams , poorly coherent equal amplitude solid - state laser beams and high speed amplitude - modulated solid - state laser beams through distorting media . experimental results indicate that the new system is applicable
    为了改进现有的光折变自适应光外差探测系统( praohds ) ,本文利用sppc和mppc同时共存的特性,提出了一种新型的praohds ,并利用ar ~ +等幅激光、相干性较差的固体等幅激光以及固体高速振幅调制激光对新系统进行了畸变光束的自适应光外差探测实验研究,结果证明了新系统在实际应用中的可行性。
用"optical heterodyning"造句  
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